Welcome message:
Welcome to the SOKC Google Group. This group is limited to current members of the Southern Oregon Kennel Club. It is used for announcements from the Board and Committees as well as for member discussion.
Basic rules:
- Use a Subject line in your emails. When replying, you can use the same subject but if you start a new topic then make sure to change the subject.
- Always sign your emails with your name and email address.
- If replying privately, keep it private. Change the “To” address from sokc@googlegroups.com to the address of the person you are replying to.
Cross posting outside of this group is by permission only.
The email address for the group is sokc@googlegroups.com
Use this form to join or change your subscription options.
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If you need help with anything not covered or if further clarification is needed, please email caninehosting@gmail.com.
Click on Show Instructions under a step.
Creating a google account without gmail You do not need a google account to receive email from the group or to send email to the group. You do need an account to:
- Read the Archives
- Change your group settings
Linking your email address to a Gmail account
To visit the group online the address is https://groups.google.com